
Seasons Traditions

The smell and sounds of the Holiday season are floating in the air. It is an unmistakable aroma of turkey and pumpkin pies that permeate the nostrils. The air also includes the smell of pine and spruce, eggnog and mint. There is a constant Christmas seasonal melody playing in every store and office building along with TV show after TV show on the holiday. We mustn’t forget, the ever ready jingling of the salvation worker outside every store asking for spare change. Greeting of every consideration is thrown at you, sometime with vigor for the season and sometimes with mono indifference to the whole affair.
What is about this time of year Christians put on the blinders of denominational teachings on and refuse to peek outside the peripherals of seasonal traditions? Theological scholar after theological scholar and Historian after historian have come forward, written books, gave sermons and said unabashedly, Christ was not born at this time of the year. It seems that once a teaching is inspired and propagated with man it becomes a family tradition, that not even the love of God himself can change the minds of normally good people.
Every argument you can think of has been put forth in order to maintain these traditions which roots are far deeper than the birthday of Christ. Many of the traditions that are observed today go back as far as Babylon and Egypt. We never hear of this except for snippets and pieces here and there, why not? Why not tell the whole story about Christmas? Why not explain where the traditions of the Christmas tree, mistletoe and Yule log evolved from, shouldn’t we embrace these truths if they are truly Christian?
Why insist to the point of ridiculousness on something even if true, couldn’t be proven? Why teach children these traditions based on fairy tails and stories then turn around and scolded them for lying? What messages are we sending to our youth, it’s okay to lye when it comes to certain things.
If Christmas is all it’s cracked up to be; then be true to your convictions, stand up for the truth of the season. Embrace the Christmas tree and its Pagan origins, investigate the meaning of the ornament on the tree, and tell its meaning to your children, what are you ashamed of? Why not embrace the birthday of every pagan sun god this side of Noah’s flood (December 25th) why does the churches of today stand on mountains and shout without one iota of proof in hand, this same day is the birthday of Christ?
Is there a different agenda perhaps? Is there something that has to be covered up? Is there something the Christian world is not seeing? Why, why, why does this question about Christmas and its surroundings persist, why was Christmas outlawed in America until the early 1800’s. What did our ancestors know, that we refused to acknowledge?
Find out more on this subject and others by going to www.hgwaco.com discover the truth then herald it in its true context, at least you will be an honest person.

By: Ron Harmon


Is Church for Everyone?

Why are some people religious and others not? Why do many who call themselves Christians rarely frequent the doors of churches and synagogues. Is God so tolerant in the mind of the Christian that giving the smallest amount of reverence is unnecessary in their minds? Has the American Christian been sold a bill of goods when it comes to God?
These are some questions that frankly need answers in the light of the degradation of our society. I realize this may seem like just another article of the demise of our culture and in some ways it is. What I truly hope to bring to the forefront of discussion is the moral failure in our religious culture and the leaders whom profess to be the arbiters of our faith and claim to represent Gods will on earth.
We begin with “Why are some people religious and others not” in the US one third of the citizens claim to be Christian in one form or another don’t attend church. Have we as a society come to the point where we take our God for granted? Is it that we have been told by our pastors and Ministers so often that it doesn’t matter what we do, God will forgive us, even if it means not having a relationship with God.
Have our cultural and religious lives become so intertwined that we come to expect only the good things in life. I would suggest we are spoiled children in the eyes of God, destine for a rude awakening. It is my contention we owe this attitude to the leaders of today and the “give me” mentality of many people as well.
Our leaders use the, “You owe me idea” in society today, they exploit our desire to want everything now (instant gratification) that is prevalent in many parts of our nation. We came by this attitude, not from our Fathers and Mothers; it began in our churches first. The world goes the way of our beliefs, not the other way around. What I mean by this is, our basic views in life begin at home and in the church with the teachings of the local Minister as the teachings degrade and home life degrades, our society degrades. We eventually come to the point where church is not important anymore, and person’s wants and needs will be filled in places other than church.
If you talk too many self professing non-church going Christian today they will tell you something in their lives is missing. They won’t be able to articulate what it is, they only know there is a void that needs filling, but when they attend the local church once again to see if it is God who can help with their emptiness, they are again disappointed.
Why is the church experience not an enlightening spirit filled occasion for most people. The answer to this and other questions is: What they hear in Churches and what they read in their Bibles do not correspond, they don’t mesh together. The Bible then becomes confusing and hard to read, and parishioner becomes disgruntled and gives up.
Religious leaders have done this to the people and they continue to inflict a heavy toll upon the flocks.
How can this be turned around? The truth is it goes even deeper than I have explained here, but I don’t have the time to give all the answers. You can read many booklets and articles about this subject and many others on our web-site (www.hgwaco.com). See for yourself why we are where we are today living in a Godless land.

By: Ron Harmon