

Greetings: Real Ville; where is this mythological place? I hear Rush Limbaugh say he lives in Real Ville but if you Goggle its location you can’t find it. The place doesn’t exist on any maps or programs available today, but I know it’s a true place, because great people live there I’m told. What are the tell-tale signs of someone living in Real Ville? It seems they exhibit characteristics of honesty, bravery and live a very conservative life. A Real-Ville citizen doesn’t fall for mainstream media’s propaganda campaigns designed to make one move away from this great place. It’s there home most claims; it’s a place they have invested their entire reputations. The citizens seem to be mostly Christian in nature; based in the concept where moral values are the desired model to live ones life, Real-Ville is the only place suited for them. Real-Ville isn’t a place for liars or those who spend there time deceiving others. Satan wouldn’t live in this wonderful place; he would be asked to move out. It seems Real-Ville is lacking one element; the majority of the citizens of Real-Ville take a vacation when it comes to the truth of God. They will deny their claims of citizenship in Real-Ville when their preverbal necks are on the line. It seems, the only true citizens of Real-Ville are Gods people. Where is Real-Ville? We now know Real-Ville is each and every home where Gods people love and follow God. Welcome to Real-Ville.


One Day

Greetings: I was sitting at my computer contemplating; one day, I need to wash my car, clean the house, and do the laundry. Chores seem to always get put on the things I need to do, but never get done. A few moments later, I was thinking; one day, I need to write that book I’ve always wanted to write. I’ve had ideas about many things to write about. One, is expressing myself by pen and paper in the form of a book, but have never gotten around to it. After those fanciful thoughts I was began looking outside through the window and saw all the yard work needing to be done and thought; you know, one day I will get on those outside projects and get them done. My yard and garden will look great once I have completed the yard projects. My mind centered back onto church business and I began searching for subjects for sermons. I found a couple that I thought was a bit hard, maybe too meaty; I sat those aside thinking, one day, I will give those sermons when the time is right. It suddenly dawned on me, what if, one day never comes, what if all my procrastinating finds me lacking in the sight of God. One day, is here for Gods people! We in the church have put off our responsibility to Christ, too often, too long. If we have questions about the bible; now is the time to get answers. If we have habits that endanger our salvation and we keep saying: one day I’ll stop, today is that day. We can put off the yard work, we can put off the housework and we can drive a dirty car, but we cannot afford to wait one more day to ensure our place in Gods kingdom. One more day, may be the last day of your physical life, think about it, but don’t take too long.


What are friends for?

Greetings: The expression, “What are friends for” is one we use to respond to someone who has just given us a compliment. But, what are friends truly for? Are they there to make your life more comfortable, or are they there for you when things get uncomfortable in life. When a close family member or spouse dies, your friend will be there. When times of trouble arise in your life, your friends will help you overcome your problems as best they can. Friends are for lending you a shoulder to cry on and holding all your secrets in confidence. They don’t see weakness in you when you’re down and out, and going through bad times. In times of troubles, they see a person filled with goodness they love and care about and are at your side to make the difference. They are not critical of your decisions but they help guide you through the tough times and help you learn to make better choices Friends are for sharing your life together and laughing and singing and remembering the joy you’ve had together. Friends are for moments in your life when you feel all alone, you look up and there they are smiling and with just a little encouragement make you thank God, you have a friend. Christ will be your closest friend, but you have to want to be his and be ready to die for him, for a friend is one who is willing to give his life for you, just like he has done.


What Am I?

Greetings: Often times I get the question, “What are you?” Now, I know what some of you are thinking when I bring this up and looking in the mirror every day I can understand why you might be thinking in that manner. All kidding aside, what I’m referring to is our belief and how to describe ourselves as believers. Most folks want a description like Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish but we keep the Sabbath and Gods laws but we aren’t Jewish. This inevitability comes up when talking to someone of different but worldly views and they will ask “What are you?” expecting a short answer. It has been a challenge for Gods people to find that elusive short answer at least as long as I have been in Christ’s church. “I’m a Sabatarian” is my common reply today, and we who follow the will of God and keep God’s Holy law and commandments. “What is a Sabatarian?” is the usual next question. A Sabatariarn is a person that loves God, and wishes to be a part of the Kingdom of Christ. I throw Jesus and Christ in occasionally to confuse them because many have the belief since we are keepers of the Sabbath we must be Jewish, therefore don’t believe in Jesus Christ. It’s almost overwhelming at times listening to peoples questions about ones belief, even when that belief is based entirely upon the Bibles instructions. It would be nice to sit down one day with our many detractors and compare notes, “let’s start with the Sabbath”, I would say. The next statement would not be any kind of proof coming from the words of Christ, or any kind of legitimate scriptural proof, but the usual comment, “The law is done away”. You come to a very quick conclusion; you might as well be holding a conversation with a fence post because there is no reasoning with them. The conversation is over at this point, because if one truly believes the law of God is done away, how can we teach them that Christ is the God of the entire bible, and he is the law we must follow. I’m a Sabatarian, Christ was a Sabatarian, isn’t that in its self good enough, why would any sane Christian believing person want to be different from Christ? It is always dangerous to try and be different, remember the first being that wanted to be different. Satan isn’t at all like Christ; he is the anti-christ and rejects the laws of Christ; so, I guess he isn’t a Sabatarian either.



Greetings: Once a year we recognize in a special way, a particular member of our individual family’s. Our Mothers are the pivotal cog in the family unit and deserves special recognition. No other family member puts up with as much as she does on a daily basis and still is there at the end of the day with a smile on her face and love in her heart. I asked myself what it is to be a mother in the nuclear family these days. A mother today must be the guard at the gate to prevent their children from a myriad of troubles entering into their lives. Drugs and alcohol are readily available and steal the lives from many young adults. Social interaction within the lives of children has become something from sci-fi movies and a mother today has to be gadget savvy understanding the latest and greatest in new products and software. She must be on constant vigil for internet predators and seemingly innocent sites disguised as children friendly. Most homes today require two incomes; a mother today must take care of her home and hold down a job. She must be well educated to get ahead in society and motivated to rise to the top of her profession. A mother today must be the educator as well; the information coming from our public schools is lacking in every category. The parents that teach their children at home along with public schools are giving their children an advantage in today’s society. A mother must be a spiritual advisor; answering questions of faith and belief. A mother must learn to build the foundation for their children’s lives in many ways and believing in God is the first of those ways. A mother today must be the police, the technology expert, the income earner, the educator, and the spiritual advisor all in one. I can see the reason we set aside one day a year to say to all the mothers out there, “We Love You”. Have a great Sabbath!


Where Will The Rich Go?

Greetings: This week we saw another unbelievable event take place in the land of insanity (France). The people of France elected a socialist President equal in agendas with our current administrations goals and the French are fine with the same agendas. They voted to take all the money you need from the rich and fund unsustainable insane policies. Their vote equaled to giving the unproductive, unmotivated, undeserving the wealth created by men and women that have struggled to create business. All the capitol they use to create more jobs and income for others is now, an unearned monthly government check. This sounds like a recipe for disaster, makes you glad there in an entire ocean between us. On the bright side, in hopes of a leadership change in this country the rich in France may bring their money here where they would only be taxed at forty percent instead of seventy-five percent. For a short time, our markets will have extra capitol at least until you know who gets his hands on it. Where will France be once all the rich people move away with their money in tow? What will a country look like that has no wealth? We have some examples around the world, we call them “third world countries”; they are the poorest of nations that have absolutely nothing except, war. War it seems is destined for the greedy, selfish, and lazy of this world, if they won’t work, then they’re going to have to fight and if they’re too lazy to fight, they will surely die. It really is a sad commentary on the attitude of the people of our world. They would rather have someone else steel the wealth from others and give it to them so they don’t have to do anything at all. Christ said,” you don’t work, you don’t eat”. Was he being cruel, or was he giving us the blueprint for a healthy society? I guess we have to figure that out before this coming November or we may be in the same boat with France.



Greetings Doesn’t it seem things are much more complicated these days? The government keeps telling us, they want to make our lives simpler so we have more time to pursue other endeavors and spend more time with our families. Yet, it seems because of all the bureaucracies we have now for everything from getting a simple drivers license to going to the doctor, we are spending much more of our time adhering to rules and regulations. I’m not complaining about some things we need like licensed drivers on our roads, but why do we need the government telling us what we should or shouldn’t’t eat? Why do we need bureaucrats telling us where to live or what doctor we should see? Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin in the 1940’s and 50’s was virtually driven out of Washington because he was over zealous trying to rid our nation of communist influence. It is apparent he wasn’t able to go far enough in his investigations because we now have in place what we feared the most sixty short years later. We now have an administration posting a power point presentation of the life of a girl called “Julia” and it illustrates her life starting at three and progressing in stages up to 67 years of age. It shows how the government was there for Julia at each and every stage of her life, giving her schooling, housing, food, transportation and without this help, she would be homeless and on the streets. We have a President running a campaigning on the virtues and tenets of communism and no one seems too alarmed enough to yell, “stop already”. We as a nation have never before accepted the premise, we are not able to take care of ourselves as individuals. We left the barn door open and the wolves crept in and it may be too late to stop the progression of this socialist agenda without serious damage to our nation but the alternative is just as unthinkable. I don’t think too many people are laughing at McCarthy now, do you?


The Worry Monster

Greetings: The heaviest single item in the world surmounts all other physical objects. It can be the singular item preventing forward momentum in anyone’s life. It has the capacity to envelope an entire house and everyone in it; no matter the size. It will consume a person every waking moment with volume after volume of nothingness. The heaviest single item in the world is worry and we spend more time alive worrying than we do living. It was said, “Worrying is paying on a debt not owed”, and how true is that expression. We pay without regard to the empire of worry and give constant homage to its master. We let worry rule us without questioning its credentials or motives, if fact we welcome it into our homes. We can become dependent on worry; it becomes our mate and confident and subsequently, a jealous entity. Worry will destroy friendships, relationships, business deals and will affect your job. It will show up at the worst times, even in the middle of the night it will visit you and demand your attention. We are told constantly, worrying isn’t good for us; yet, we do it anyway. What has our friendship with worrying gained us over the years, nothing? We can’t change most of what we worry about and the things we can affect usually have a way of working themselves out anyway. We spend too much time in our lives with this bad partner, isn’t it time we got rid of our single heaviest item we carry around. Pick up a new Rock, one of enormous size and power. Instead of worry carry around Jesus Christ, he will help you if you give him as much attention as you do worry.