

You ever feel like the more you progress you make in something the further you get behind. You work and work and more work is your only reward, it seems almost pointless to get out of bed. But there bills to pay and mouths to feed including your own. On top of all that, good old Uncle Sam is poised to take even more of your hard-earned money from you this coming year and you’re barley making it now.
The whole insane idea of raising taxes in a down economy reminds me of a event Kit Carson the famous Indian scout recounted. He led a force of some three hundred and fifty volunteer militia and scouts against what seemed a force of Comanche’s equal in size where present day Borger Texas exist. During the progression of the battle, he soon discovered there was another Indian camp four miles further down river comprising of another three thousand worriers who soon began joining the fray. Kit Carson and his men would have been massacred had they not had a couple of mountain canons along with them making a huge difference in the battle. The funny thing was, the Comanche’s had captured a bugle in a prior battle, and one of the braves had learned the bugle calls and could play them as good as any US bugler. The only problem, the Indian didn’t know the order of battle the bugler calls made. When the Comanche’s charged over and over again the bugle call issued form the Comanche bugler was a constant retreat.
It must have been almost comical to have witnessed the Indians charge after charge all the while retreat was being sounded. It seems like the very thing we are doing today as a nation, the laws and regulations issuing from the nations capitol is causing a sever retreat in many folks lives. We want to progress and go forward as a nation, but new ideas and philosophies keep calling us to go backwards into days of government heavy-handedness higher taxes. We keep waiting for someone to step-up and point out the folly of our blunders, but sadly it seems to fall on deaf ears when someone attempt s to correct our visions.
Once again, we see Christ is our only hope, our nation will continue to issue clarion calls of retreat back to a moral and just society all the while speeding headlong into destruction simply because, we don’t understand.


My Fellow Survivors

Greetings my fellow survivors:
Today is December 22nd 2012; the Mayan calendar has reached its anticlimactic end and we wake to a new world full of the same as yesterday’s world. Whether we were expecting a giant meteor, or a massive polar shift, we didn’t see but a whimper within notable prophecy bringing this commentary to the conclusion, we humans fear everything even when there’s nothing there.
Did the Mayans perpetrate a bad joke on future civilizations or did they truly believe future humans were to cease to live at a time they designated in an age destined to be perhaps the last of a dying race in cataclysmic extinction?
Or, were our imaginations drawing from a far more sinister place? Painting a more vivid picture of horror and death based upon the actual history. Were our minds relating to mans ability to extract cultural ending events through genocide, abortion on demand, euthanasia and other man educing disasters?
Or, did something actually happen we didn’t take notice of, a small tick on the Richter scale of life? Inconsequential as it may have seemed whatever it may have been; may have been the beginning of the end and we weren’t privy to this miraculous occasion. Then again, perhaps 12/21/2012 isn’t finished indulging itself within our imaginations, perhaps it’s only the beginning of the end in the playground of our fears, and for the next year we will be subject to even greater farces, because after all, we are humans with human fears.
Bad joke, a whimper in time, or just another day, we will have to wait and find out. The good news from yesterday, it wasn’t the end of the world. The bad news from yesterday, I have to do those chores around the house I’ve put off for the last week, because who wants to do chores when the end is upon us all?
But seriously, we of God’s church knew we would wake up today and we will awake many more days in the future because we know what the scriptures say about the end times. The last days are not a mystery to the church of God. We know certain things must happen before Jesus can and will return and they simply haven’t happened as of yet. But take solace in the fact, when they do, you will know it, because Jesus has said as much, and that should be enough for any man willing to believe in the creator of the universe.

Christmas 2012

I would like to start out this reminder by saying; I know this subject will not be popular with some of my friends and relatives. It isn’t my intention to make you understand where I’m coming from or how I feel emotionally by addressing an awkward subject that tends to create animosity, especially this time of year. If you know me and most of you do; then, you know I believe in Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul and wish to do his will however and whenever possible.
That said, can we finally agree on one critical fact, Christmas isn’t the birthday of Jesus. Can we just come to a moment of reality and be truthful; because it’s really is frustrating hearing over and over Christ was born on December 25th. I will attend church every Sunday and keep Christmas from this day forward if you can show me where Jesus the Christ was born on December 25th or even in December for that matter. I would relish the idea of celebrating with my entire family this time of year and not be referred to as just some odd nut with screwy ideas about God and religion. I can’t ignore the facts that are blatantly obvious even to the least curious among us. I can’t ignore December the 25th has been a pagan day of worship for nearly every sun god for thousands of years, even before Christ was born. Saturnalia was a celebration by the Romans at the time of Christ birth, and worshiping the sun that entailed the giving of gifts to one another and making holly reefs, coincidence, I don’t believe so!
If you want to celebrate Christmas, it’s perfectly okay with me, do so, and have a wonderful time, I won’t be there by the way. But please, do a little studying on Christmas and its origins and leave Jesus out of it, he never was in it; you know the square peg in the round hole kind of thing, it will never work.
I know they say Jesus is the reason for the season. I know its fun and it beautiful and the children just love Santa. The music it’s heart warming and beautiful, I get it, I’ve been there, sung the songs, drank the eggnog, decorated the tree and done the dance. But, there comes a time when all the fairy tales mystical illusions begin to wear off and you see through the prism of scripture. Christ own words in Jeremiah 10:1-5 says don’t drag a tree into your house and decorate it. This isn’t the seasons the creator of this world intended for us to observe, but I know this won’t curtail the nostalgia nor the celebrations, but I at least hope you think about what this time of year really means when you try to put your savior in the place of a pagan sun god.


We awake this morning to the conversation over the sad event of yesterday morning in Connecticut. Several adults and twenty children lost their lives in a horrible turn of events that began with a mentally disturbed twenty year old shooting own mother at their home. He went immediately to the elementary school and unleashed a torrent of 9MM rounds into several classrooms where all of the children slain were between the ages of five and eleven making this horrific event even more tragic. No one wants to see anyone die or suffer from events such as these; it tears at the heart when you see a young mother crying in agony over the news that her child is one of the precious victims. It is an event of incredible agony and evil and leaves the most harden among us asking why?
The gun opponents immediately seized the moment to reinvigorate their opposition to gun ownership in spite of the fact Connecticut has the fifth strictest laws governing gun ownership. They will use the images to fuel their hatred of guns ignoring any facts that could contradict any claims they may have towards guns. The opponents know they have the heartstrings and concerns of good people they can manipulate into even stricter gun laws against the law-abiding citizens of this nation, and they won’t miss an opportunity such as this one.
Once again the gun will be blamed for a tragic event, but the reality of what was really the cause will be swept under the rug. Our emotions will cause us to blindly cry out for justices and once more the answer will be a call for greater gun laws. Once more we will turn our backs towards the real evil and once more somewhere in the future we will be doomed to live through another event such as this one, because we refuse as a nation to deal with the awful truth of our nation in moral decline.
We poison the minds of the younger generation with filth and violence and there is no counterbalance in return. That counterbalance would normally be in the form of a stable home environment, a God fearing home where God is first. Second a school built upon the same principles as the home with God first and self second and a teaching of the sanctity of God and life. Until we go back to those days, you could take all the guns away in this nation and absolutely nothing would change in the taking of life from the innocent, only the weapon.

Small Things

You ever get agitated at the radio or TV because of the rhetoric that spews from the speakers? Do you get mad when someone says something that irritates you at work or even at home? Do things that should work don’t when you try to use them, does that bother you to no end? Does it make you mad when someone cuts you off in traffic or does something really dumb in front of you? I just described myself in many instances and I’m not proud of any of it, or that I let these types of things bother me.
These are small things that can either define you as some type of hothead, loose cannon, even a weirdo. No one wants to be looked upon as having any of these types of personalities; especially if we claim to be one of Gods people. It would be more in keeping with the thinking we are building character when challenged on the personnel side of life.
But small things have a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect them and catch you unaware. They are called small because we don’t see them coming. The big things in life we conquer for most of us at least. The big things are easy to control and we can see them on the horizon, but the little things that bother us; they are a challenge.
Small things needn’t be a bother or even a challenge, if we do one thing, remember Christ in every event that seems the least bit small, for he is found in small things that we overlook everyday. Christ is glorified in greatness and larger than life itself, but Christ everyday miracles are discovered in the small things that occur in life.

The Hardening of Hearts

When Moses was in Egypt after he was sent back to bring out Israel, he was stymied over and over by God hardening the Pharos heart. It must have been more than frustrating to try and do what God commands all the while God’s will is working against you. We see in the end Gods direct commandments to Moses being fulfilled and his will are accomplished because of in part, the faithfulness of Moses.
Pharos heart was hardened to the destruction that was being perpetrated upon his people and however it occurred, in deed or action, he refused to enact policies that would relieve the suffering of his people. It was as though by God hardening his heart, it blinded his consciousness and became as cold and indifferent as the most vicious of killers.
He wasn’t the only one in ancient history that made indifferent calculations as far as Gods people were concerned. The story of Rehoboem, Solomon’s son who inherited the kingdom was asked to let up on taxes and the burdens of the people to maintain his kingdom, but instead of letting up he doubled down with taxes and hardship disregarding the rebellion that could and did ensue.
Is what we are seeing in Washington these days the hardening of hearts by God once more, seeing his will come to fruition? The stalemate seems to come right out of bible pages, good vs. evil and satan vs. God, and the world vs. the elect. God’s people are a small percent in all the calculations but we suffer the affects of indifferent policies and over burdening regulations right along with the rest of the country. In each event where rulers became over-dominate, and nations were split, Gods people on one side and the world on the other side. Will this eventually lead to a even harder look at God’s people and a eventual persecution of God’s people? Only time will tell, in the meantime pray that you may be found worthy when God’s Kingdom does come.

Hollywood Twist

In a great sort of weirdness of recent events one wonders what kind of Nation we live in today. One almost expects at any moment a cigarette smoking Rod Sterling to step out and begin a prolog of ironic happenings taking place in front of your eyes and telling you you’re not seeing what you’re seeing. How do we keep living in day dreams over and over, our highest officials demanding more and giving less tolerance, and spend countless hours digging their way out of scandal after scandal, all the while acting like they are as pure and righteous as the wind driven snow.
Buyers remorse would be a great movie line if this were Hitchcock’s, Twilight Zone, or The outer Limits, you could wait for the show to end, and all would be fine. But that won’t be happening too soon, we have a President and an administration bent upon the destruction of our nation and it’s a rerun from the last four years.
Hitchcock’s shadowy figure in its distinct form portrayed an eeriness of events about to take place. A person seeing that form had no doubt some twist of a movie plot was about to occur. You would spend the next hour trying to decipher the codes trying to guess the plot of the movie but it never happened like you expected.  We have our own shadowy figures in our government and they are scarier than Hitchcock shows because they are real and the movie never ends. They live in secret, deal in secret, obfuscate the truth, and bend the law to suit themselves.  The old-time movie producers couldn’t have produced a better plot, all that is missing is a natural disaster and our President coming to save the day. Who knows, that may already be in the works, they say Hollywood can do miracles.
God bless you all and stay safe.