
Trumpets 2011

Greetings Once More:

Here we are at Trumpets again; time to get our minds into the Holy days if we haven’t already. Atonement and Tabernacles are just around the corner, I hope your preparations are made; there isn’t much time left before we embark upon our yearly journey.
We are rehearsing and event by attending the feast as one definition of scripture is defined. It seems like we are simply attending a church service but we have joined a host of beings both physical and spiritual in the celebration of the King of the Universe and his plan for man. We tend to forget we are in the presence of the most holy being in the cosmos and it was he that created man for his purpose.
If we do nothing else this year during the feast, let us focus on who we are and what we have been chosen for. I my self am not ashamed to say, I’ll special in God’s sight, and you shouldn’t be ashamed as well. Who knows if this is our last celebration of the feast of God together, who knows what the next year will bring. God wanted us to remember these days and there meaning both to him and us; by rehearsing them now. We will remember them when the darkest days fall upon us all. Remember one other thing and keep it close to your heart; when it’s the darkest, Christ the light of the world is just over the horizon and our salvation is near. Have a happy and wonderful feast of God.


Dry Season

Greetings Everyone:

Autumn is upon us and a new hope for a change in weather conditions has stirred within the communities of Texas. Rain of any amounts would be a blessing at this time. The seriousness of the drought is understated by anyone attempting to describe just how dry it truly is and the irony of this type of conditions water is being wasted by the truck loads from broken pipes. When the ground becomes too dry it shrinks and draws up becoming hard as cement; plastic hasn’t a chance under these conditions, the pipes snap like twigs.
On the foreign front we saw the leader of Palestine apply for statehood status at the UN, I’m surprised our administration didn’t endorse the application; ohh, it is election season, got to remember that. The other revelation that came out of the Middle East this week; we now have discovered Pakistan is supporting terrorist; who knew! Almost everyone except our government knew, that’s who. We keep doing this dance around these countries that hate our guts, acting as though we can change their view of us if we give them enough money. Our conversion to Islam or our deaths are the only two appeasements they seek; it’s time we learned that.
God bless you and your Sabbath; seek God daily.


Peace Makers

Greetings to All:

“Blessed are the Peace Makers, for they shall be called the sons of God” what a wonderful verse, it’s too bad this world doesn’t understand what it truly means. To truly bring peace to someone you must first, do no harm to that someone. What I see in our government isn’t peace making because they are doing plenty in the way of harm. They are harming use in every area of life, personal, social and business, we don’t have self regulation any longer in our nation, every aspect of out lives are monitored, checked and double checked.
Big Brother has his eye on you and you must conform, isn’t that what we are told each day by all the requirements we are expected to adhere to. Big Brother says this is the path to peace and security; has it lead us there to this day after decade of mounting regulation. Have more bureaucracies made us secure or have they made us become more paranoid about big brother today or should I be saying big government. We are approaching a delusional faze where are government has started playing the role of God. After all; doesn’t God feed you, protect you, and give you clean air to breathe and isn’t this what we are told is the today’s definition of our government. We are promised all this and health care as well, what’s so bad about that? Only the true Christ will and can bring peace to this earth until then; it is our job as his representatives to bring peace to those we can through the knowledge of Christ.




Greetings to all:
These are the days of our lives and here in Texas they continue to be hot. A nervousness seems to permeate the atmosphere and everywhere there is talk of surviving this President and his administration. At no time in the history of the US have we had such an administration riddled with corruption; it’s one thing after another and he still acts as if there is some sort of mandate from the people to push his insane agenda. Now the President wants another five hundred billion of your grandchildren’s money for the same old tired reasons.
I think this nation had about enough, even many in his own party are coming out loudly against him. The question is this: Can he be removed either through elections or by conviction before he has time to do even more damage. The answer to that may very well depend on what happens in Israel and Europe. Be prepared, the time of the end is at near, we must be ready spiritually and physically.
Don’t foget to watch the sermons live on web-cam, 10:30AM in Austin and 1:00PM in Waco.
P.S> My computer problems are still plaging me hopfully I will have everything sorted out by tomarrow.
Ron Harmon


Greetings Everyone:

It’s Wednesday but my mind says Friday, my feet say Monday and my back says stop. We seem to go, go, go all the time anymore; we are gone so much our dog tried to bite us the other day when we came home. We are continually busy at a time when many in this great country of ours have given totally up. Many have made a conscience decision to stop being a productive member of society and take government subsistence however they can secure it. It goes without saying; the elderly and disable deserve our help and the money supposed to be there for them.
The problem is this, illegal aliens can now receive SSI, bums who never worked a day in their lives can receive SSI and many folks just wanting a life of laziness can get SSI, even members of congress can get SSI. We pay half the country to not work, while the other half is struggling to make ends meet, what is wrong with this picture? Paul said: 2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. I know this flies in the face of social engineering and puts many liberals in a tizzy but God has a different view about government and this world is in for a rude awakening. You will work, you will obey God and you will love it, that can’t be said in today’s world about any government.

On another note: My main computer crashed this week and I haven’t been able to get it fixed; so, this e-mail is only going out to a portion of the mailing list. If you know of anyone that was on the list, you might want to forward this on to them as a favor to me, thanks.
Don’t forget tonight at 7:00PM the Bible study begins.


Do You Feel Safe?

Greetings Everyone:

The question was asked by the media this week, “Do you feel safer than you did ten years ago” well, do you? Ten years ago we worried about a host of different things, none of which seems matter in today’s environment. In comparison to today, we were a bit innocent and somewhat naive about the future. We hadn’t recognized the Islamic threat that has consumed the last decade. It took a brief moment on that September morning in 2001 to shine the light into the face of horror we now know as Islam and our lives were changed forever.

We see now more than then, the realism of Christ return. We see Christ and his plan taking a form we hadn’t considered ten years ago.

In many ways when I think about the coming Kingdom of God, I do feel safer, but when the light shines back onto this world, it frightens me unlike it has ever before and I don’t feel safe in my own home. Furthermore, I don’t trust our government like I did ten years ago and I didn’t trust them much then. It will take the return for Christ to relieve the anxiety from this world; until then, man will only insert fear and no one will ever really feel safe.

Our e-mail address in Waco and the House of God hgchurch@clear.net is the way to contact us. Below are the links to quickly connect to us, thanks. The church site web-link is: www.hgwaco.com

10:30AM Austin

1:00PM Waco

Watch the sermons on web-cam www.hgwaco.com/Live%20video.htm

Ron Harmon



Enemy at the Gate

Greetings Everyone:

Fires, floods, tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, and now the grumblings of an underlying anger is prevailing in the USA today. It seems we are a country not only losing its values but it’s coming apart at its core through natural disasters. All the while the very fabric of our soul is waning before our eyes in clusters of campaign speeches meant to convince us, they’re the savior of our beloved nation. Dissention hangs in the air as thickly as the smoke from the wildfires and vulgarity has reached a new level along with innuendos of war against one another while the real enemy is at our gates i.e. Islam, China and Russia.
Has this nation gone mad, are we in a drunken stupor, partying and dancing the night away while Rome burns? The debt collectors at the door, the nation has no more money; so, we act like no ones home and we hope they will go away. How long can we sustain this insanity and remain a great nation? The answer is obvious, we can’t. Pray God intervention and his salvation, it is our only hope.
Our e-mail address in Waco and the House of God hgchurch@clear.net is the way to contact us. Below are the links to quickly connect to us, thanks. The church site web-link is: www.hgwaco.com
Watch the sermons on web-cam www.hgwaco.com/Live%20video.htm

Ron Harmon


Actions Speaking loudly

Greetings Everyone:

I grew up on a farm in the 50 and 60’s and we had a very simple life. The one thing that was always taught to me was the importance of responsibility; forthcoming when you did something wrong you were forthcoming and admitted it. What I have witnessed from the president of this country would have the old farmers that surrounded our farm fall to their knees and weep. After the sorrow anger and they probably would demand Obama be impeached for incompetence and treason.

The arrogance displayed is beyond comprehension, Obama demanded air time and a joint session of the congress and senate the very night the Republican were scheduled for an important debate. He backed down when it was made clear to him it would be impossible to organize the event since Congress didn’t return until that very day. It isn’t common practice for the president to demand such events; it is the other way around, Congress invites the President. It seems to be true when some folks in talk radio say he is nothing more than a Chicago thug bent on getting his way; he could have proven them wrong but instead he is showing they were right all along.

Have a wonderful Sabbath and God bless.

Our e-mail address in Waco and the House of God hgchurch@clear.net is the way to contact us. Below are the links to quickly connect to us, thanks. The church site web-link is: www.hgwaco.com

Watch the sermons on web-cam Ron Harmon
