
Washington and Irene

Greetings Folks:

The folks on the east coast are bracing themselves for hurricane Irene to make herself know this morning. The storm will make a path up the Atlantic seaboard along the eastern sea coast line and continue north. We will certainly be praying there will be minimal damage and loss of life. I have just one more observation on the storm. Washington finally has something to compete with when it comes to hot air and destruction; now it is only a matter of seeing which of the two will be more responsible for damage to our country in the coming months. I’m placing my bets on Washington, they’re not driven by nature, seems Satan himself is in control of our nation’s capital. It can only be describe as insane some of the policy decisions emerging from the depths of the power driven bureaucrats. One example; the sage brush lizard is once again being used to shut down oil drilling in west Texas at a time when we need all the oil we can get. Farm land will be off limits for cultivation, people will be out of work; again at a time when we have record unemployment. Satan is busy; we need to be just as busy making ourselves ready for our coming King and ruler, Jesus Christ.

Our e-mail address in Waco and the House of God hgchurch@clear.net is the way to contact us. Below are the links to quickly connect to us, thanks. The church site web-link is: www.hgwaco.com

Ron Harmon

Join us with questions or comments

at mailto:hgchurch@clear.net


The world in Hyper mode

Greetings Everyone:

The world seems to have hype-accelerated and is spinning towards a crescendo of monumental events. It seems one disaster story is replaced by another disaster story faster than they can report the news nowadays. The air it seems, is full of anticipation of something even bigger about to happen; nothing, would be a surprise at this moment in time.
We enjoyed a presentation by Joel Richardson on Islam in prophecy this last Sabbath and he spoke on the fall of Libya and what do we hear on the news two days later; Libyan rebels storm Tripoli and capture the country. At this time they seem to be leaderless, who or what will fill the vacuum is the question of the day. Will it be as Joel said; will they be somehow absorbed by a combine of Muslim nations directed by a group like the Muslim brotherhood? Time will give us the answer to all these questions and the way things are progressing, we won’t have to wait long for the answers too a lot of questions. Be ready, for the time may be nearer than we believe.
Our Bible study begins at 7PM central time; we will be discussing Romans Part 5. This is our e-mail address for the bible study on Wednesdays, hgchurch@clear.net please use this one for you questions and comments. Our church web-site is:www.hgwaco.com just in case you need it.
Join us with questions or comments at mailto:hgchurch@clear.net
Ron Harmon


This isn’t Kansas anymore.

Greetings Everyone:

The gun blasted in Iowa; the great race has begun to see who will be the next great Wizard of government. All the promises handed out with smoke, mirrors, thunder and sincerity will be tested by a small group called the Tea Party. They hopefully will pull back the curtain exposing the true voice behind the great and powerful manipulator and a true leader will emerge to give our nation a brain and heart. This isn’t Kansas anymore but we in America want it to be, we just want to go back to a time when life was simple and good, fewer taxes, less regulation and we could trust our leaders in Washington. Clicking our heels won’t solve our growing problems, neither will a wizard in a never, never land; only God can save us and only repentance will suffice for his attention.

Don’t forget August 20th, Georgetown TX. Chamber of commerce, 100 stadium Rd. 9:30AM, Joel Richardson author of “The Islamis Anti Christ” will be speaking on the Islaic rise in America. Join us it will be well worth your time. We will be braodcasting the event on web-cam if nothing goes wrong, it is a new location so there is always a possibility of issues.
Our Bible study begins at 7PM central time; we will be discussing Romans Part 4. This is our e-mail address for the bible study on Wednesdays, hgchurch@clear.net please use this one for you questions and comments. Our church web-site is:http://www.blogger.com/www.hgwaco.com just in case you need it.
Join us with questions or comments at mailto:hgchurch@clear.net
Ron Harmon



Greetings to All:

We’ve all been watching the riots in England this last week and they seem eerily reminiscent to the race riots in the US fifty years ago. Even twenty years ago the Rodney King riots in Los Angles could be a similar comparison with the looting, burning, and viciousness of the mobs. What’s truly amazing is; most of the participants don’t even know what the reasons are behind their unrest; it’s “get your free stuff time” to them.
It seems there is a great spirit of unrest in this world today. There is a great amount of anger fomenting within the ghettos and poor districts of Nations all over the world. Equally, fear and un-assuredness grips the neighborhoods in anticipation of another night of violence. Left only with political correctness and baseball bats as defense of home and property; the good people of London are sitting ducks to the whims of criminals who believe it’s an early Christmas. What next, where will be the next great event that will add to the growing evidence that we are truly approaching the end times. We must be ready, both physically and spiritually, the world may be un-sure about tomorrow but we should never be.

Don’t for get to join us at 10:30AM in Austin and 1:00PM in Waco for services. Our e-mail address in Waco and the House of God hgchurch@clear.net is the way to contact us. Below are the links to quickly connect to us, thanks. The church site web-link is: http://www.blogger.com/www.hgwaco.com

Ron Harmon
Join us with questions or comments
at mailto:hgchurch@clear.net



Greeting to all;

Boy, is it hot, how hot is it you ask, fill in the blank however you like, it will fit. We are suffering from the worst heat I have ever felt and I have lived in Texas all my life. We are breaking records daily and no end in sight. I think all the Baptist believe they’ve ended up in hell; and now, there are searching for their congressmen to get them some relief.
On another subject, we lost 30 good men this last week probably more by now. It’s my belief, we should fight our enemies with all we have holding nothing back. We have plenty of enemies in Afghanistan, with the Al Qaeda and the Taliban and many others. That is why; we should support our efforts one hundred percent, not half heartedly. Our national leaders have pulled the rug out from under our missions in foreign countries countless times, for what? Political gain is what, if we are not going to fight to win, bring them home, and for once, forget the political side of war, for our soldier’s sake.

Our Bible study begins at 7PM central time; we will be discussing Romans Part 4. This is our e-mail address for the bible study on Wednesdays, hgchurch@clear.net please use this one for you questions and comments. Our church web-site is:www.hgwaco.com just in case you need it.
Join us with questions or comments at mailto:hgchurch@clear.net
Ron Harmon

P.S. Don’t forget August 20th, Georgetown TX. Chamber of commerce, 100 stadium Rd. 9:30AM, Joel Richardson author of “The Islamis Anti Christ” will be speaking on the Islaic rise in America. Join us it will be well worth your time.


Pay Attention

Greetings Everyone:

I’m not in the mood to talk about what happen this week with the debt ceiling vote; you know hat happened; we got sold a bill of goods again. What is on my mind is the heavens, I guess because I’ve been spending a lot of time lately looking up and praying. It is amazing how many astrological events will be occurring in the next few years. Blood moons occurring on key days of the year (Passover and Succoth in 2014 & 2015) comets coming close to earth and let’s not forget December 21st 2012 when the Mayan calendar ends. What does this mean to you and me? In Luke 21:11 it says: “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven”. It means we are to pay attention, prepare for the coming events, what an incredible time we live in, a time prophesied two thousand years ago. It would be a shame if we didn’t see it coming because we are too busy with something else.

Don’t for get to join us at 10:30AM in Austin and 1:00PM in Waco for services. Our e-mail address in Waco and the House of God hgchurch@clear.net is the way to contact us. Below are the links to quickly connect to us, thanks.

Ron Harmon
Join us with questions or comments
at mailto:hgchurch@clear.net

P.S. Don’t forget August 20th, Georgetown TX. Chamber of commerce, 100 stadium Rd. 9:30AM, Joel Richardson author of “The Islamic Anti Christ” will be speaking on the Islaic rise in America. Join us it will be well worth your time.


Liberals becoming Bolder

Greetings Everyone:

The battle is finished and someone won, no one is quit sure who that was but it doesn’t feel as though it was the people, once again. It was incredible to hear coming out of the mouths of liberals accusations that were tantamount to either school yard bullying or high treason against Tea Party members for simply standing by their campaign promises. Liberals calling Tea Party member’s terrorist is a dangerous president, one that could have serious implications in the future. The liberals should have been shamed to their foundations for such rhetoric, but they were left almost unabated to demonize whatever and whomever they choose. These are dangerous times and liberals are becoming bolder by day and the future in their hands is one of ungovernable rule.
Our Bible study begins at 7PM central time; we will be discussing Romans Part 3. This is our e-mail address for the bible study on Wednesdays, hgchurch@clear.net please use this one for you questions and comments. Ron Harmon
Join us with questions or comments at mailto:hgchurch@clear.net
Ron Harmon

P.S. Don’t forget August 20th, Georgetown TX. Chamber of commerce, 100 stadium Rd. 9:30AM, Joel Richardson author of “The Islamis Anti Christ” will be speaking on the Islaic rise in America. Join us it will be well worth your time.

The Bitter Pill
By: Ron Harmon

We’ve been made to swallow our medicine and just as when were young children, we are told it will make us well. Both houses of government and the president came to an agreement and passed a bill that will cure our problems, they say. They held their noses and voted yes, irregardless of its taste and whether it was the remedy needed or not.
Is this deal even worth making, is it worth doing or would no medicine be better for us than the supposed cure. Cutting spending must and has to be a priority in our nation. Our country has burned the candle at both ends the last two years and now it’s time to pay the piper. Our over spending has made us a sick nation with very few choices on how to fix our hangover.
Medicine is only good when it is the correct medicine and in proper dosage: the disease in this country isn’t a common cold as described by so many legislators but a cancer. It is devouring the flesh from our nation and minor short term cures won’t keep a dying nation on its feet. We will be dealing with debt affects far into the future where it will become the problem of our children and grandchildren.
If we are not willing to do the necessary fixes we are headed for an abyss of incalculable consequences. Our spending is unsustainable, our debt is overwhelming our economy, and there is no more wealth to tax. Our financial doctors in the form of politicians are giving us rosy projections for the future, a future they probably won’t be a part of. The sickness is becoming too hard to bear and we as a Nation are becoming too week to sustain a life-style we are accustomed to.
Becoming healthier is a goal to all Americans and it begins with hard choices. We are bloated and overweight by excess; it’s time we deal with our problems. We need real medicine and a real cure for our societal ills, and after fifty years of the great experiment, perhaps we can come to at least a few conclusions. The poor are poor for a reason and they will always be poor and giving them more of our money won’t bring them out of poverty. Giving my hard earned dollars to abortion clinics, grants for asinine studies, and foreign aid to countries that don’t give a hoot about us are just a few things we can eliminate from our national diet.
Take the credit cards away from our government and balance our budget; require the government to balance a budget and submit a budget for approval each and every year.
We can beat this cancer that has become stage four and has permeated the core of our society. The medicine we need may even taste worse than it does now but it is a cure we can have hope in. What we have now is an aspirin for cancer and it sure doesn’t feel like its worth the trouble taking and it sure doesn’t feel like it will work.
This Nation still has life in it and I believe its core foundation is solid but we need real sacrifice from red blooded Americans those who make up its core. We need sacrifice in the form of doing what is right and not going along because of empty promises. We have to choose leaders who embrace the concept of limited government and fewer regulations.
We can take our medicine; we have proven that over the last two hundred years. What we can’t take, is having something someone else calls a cure shoved down our throats.