
News or News

Hurricane Sandy is just about all that has been in the news the last couple of Days. Its devastation is plastered all over our TV screens and blast through on a continuing basis via radio. These storms seem to always draw the media to them like bees are drawn to honey. They dig at every angle and go to unimaginable heights to get the hidden stories that no one else has thought of.
It will take weeks and months for the focus to subside from Sandy back to lesser important news stories; like, Benghazi and the debacle created by this administrations handling of the attack. You can almost sense the Medias sigh of relief from having to focus on such a damaging story that was threatening their candidate for President. It would seem to cause enormous consternation on behalf of the mainstream media  to have to actually start digging for the story right in front of them, much less, one they might actually have to work for; perhaps accidentally reviling some damaging information.
It seems to an unprofessional observer, a hurricane brings out the best in a reporter, but the taking of lives of four men including an American ambassador in a foreign nation by terrorist sparks little interest in a totally bias news culture. It would be great if we had a neutral observer to tell us the truth, instead of joining and participating in the cover-ups and lies.
Christ will one day return and bring his Kingdom to this earth bringing real hope and change to all the nations. It will be interesting to see the spin put into place by the news outlets the first day or so. Who do you believe will show up, the ones that cover natural disasters or the ones that are in the tank for Satan?   

The Perfect Storm

In March of 1993 “The great super storm” as it was called, hit the New England area with merciless fury. It cost millions, perhaps even billion in damage and killed 310 people up and down the eastern coast. It was later described as the “The Perfect Storm” and several movies and books were produced about eeriness of how this system came together.
As we look out into the Atlantic today, we can see a similar weather pattern coming together similar to 1993; and as hurricane Sandy takes aim for the North East it is leaving a trail of destruction behind. It has already killed 39 people and caused countless finical and human destruction up and down the Atlantic.
Its target landfall area as of Friday is Washington DC. The storm will combine with a massive cold front moving through which may cause incredible amounts of snow and large scale power outages throughout the New England area and last for weeks some predict. It could become the 21st century’s storm of the century in a couple of ways.
The storm itself may be unlike anything we’ve seen in weather history, it may be more destructive than we could ever anticipate.
The destruction of the storm may leave many communities without the ability to hold elections on November 6th; there is no telling what kind of political gamesmanship this will cause and what it will do to the results of the election.
One must ask, is it Gods hand coming down on this country for our placid view of our government and how it has been treating Israel. So many times in the past storms have devastated parts of our nation while our leaders dined and comforted Israel’s enemies. What is our government doing today that stabs the backs of the Israelites while saying, “we will have their backs” who will have our backs if we abandon Israel in its greatest time of need. I believe if we continue down the road we are headed, we can expect to see many other such storms, droughts, and destruction of food and water supplies. These events will be by the hand of  Jesus Christ, not man, so pray for those who are about to go through this storm, pray Gods people will be protected.

In a Pickel

You ever find yourself in a proverbial pickle? The expression simply means, you’ve got a problem and no good solution can be found. The best explanation I could find for its origins is as follows “Trade with the Low Countries across the North Sea was important to England in the later middle Ages, and it is perhaps because of this trade that we have the word pickle. Middle English pikel, the ancestor of our word, is first recorded around 1400 with the meaning “a spicy sauce or gravy served with meat or fowl.” This is a different sense from the one the word brings to mind now, but it is somewhat related in sense to its possible Middle Dutch source pekel, a pickling solution,”  So, it meant sitting in a stew of sorts and your troubles swirling around you with no way out.
Being in a pickle can be an opportunity for some, but for most folks it mostly frustration. Most folks who do find themselves in a pickle work very hard to bring their problems to an honest and expedient end without prolonging the conclusion.
Our current administration was jumped into the pickle with both legs and all the way up to their necks with the Benghazi fiasco. Putting oneself into such a pickle for no reason at all is beyond anyone’s comprehension; yet, that is exactly what they have done. It’s such a foolish display of affairs; it has many wondering if there isn’t something more heinous at the root of its conception. The whole of the matter is a compilation of lies and deceit and it covers denials and the inability of some in the administration to do their jobs. It’s a mess by their own making and the pickling will continue until some real and honest answers come forth.

Where does the Buck Stop?


Harry S. Truman made the phrase, “The buck stops here” famous and it’s been used on many occasions to illustrate where responsibility ultimately falls. It seems we now have a new slogan by our current President “Obfuscation begins here” and if it were a car, the wheels would have be driven off by now, that is how often it’s used.
We talk all the time about role models and how they affect the thinking of our youth. How then can the president (The largest role model) continue to be a celebrity of young men and women who mostly grew up in homes where self-responsibility was drilled into them from the earliest of ages? It boggles the mind to think one can attain the highest of offices in our land and take no responsibility for anything slightly bad in the last four years, but wants us to give him credit for any good that can be found. You take the bad with the good and you do the best you possibly can with what you have is the America I grew up believing in. Sadly, we no longer live in the country where self-reliance and honesty is the character found in our nation leaders and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to sort the lies from truth.
“What does it matter, they all lie” is a quote I’ve heard recently. It matters if you believe Gods divine intervention directs who is in office. It matters if we expect to hold our congressmen and women accountable for the decisions made on our behalf. It matters if we give up and they become even more corrupt, it matters.
No government is really great, but what we had before the obfuscation began and the run-a-muck spending began was as good as it could get, our day and age anyway. A new day is coming where government will look like what we want it to be today, where our King will be perfect and the buck will start and stop with Jesus Christ and he will fix the problem and not blame it on the last guy in office.



Debate Disdain

Greetings Folks:
We are still recovering from the “Post Feast Blaaas” but things are starting to get back into there normal groove around the Harmon house. If you watched the Vice presidential debates the other night it may have struck you as odd at best and weird by the least of accounts. What I’m referring to is the bazaar behavior of our current Vice President Joe Biden. It seems he hasn’t learned proper educate or manners when conversing with folks, but lets cut to the chase with this odd show of disrespect.
It seems to me (a common man) this behavior is indicative of a much larger problem we are facing. The leadership in this nation no longer has respect for the common man, the successful, or those who might threaten their power. They are no longer hiding disdain for anyone opposing them and they don’t care how weird and crazy they may appear especially for the portion of the nation they know won’t vote for them. The show put on the other night was for their base and they loved every minute of it and saw nothing disturbing with the character of our second in command. That in its self I find very disturbing and troubling, that we could have so many folks willing to sell their souls to such bumbling fools is beyond my imagination.
It’s “In your face politics” and has grown out of Chicago style campaigning and has been around a long time. It basis of rule is the mob, utilizing thugerry, intimidation, and coercion. It is the favorite tactics of those with little or no ideas but have an insatiable lust for power.
We are at a time when we need to be looking to God for answers, not only prayer and not just in church but in every part of our lives. We have a tough road ahead; it won’t be simple mathematics that pulls us from the brink of collapse. It will be our savior and him alone and the sooner we as a nation come to the realization, the sooner we may have real hope and change.   

Returning from the Feast

I hope everyone made it back from the Feast of Tabernacles safely with no problems and full of anticipation for next year. We had the best ever FOT in Galveston; it was full of joy and fun with great fellowship. We dearly missed all those that couldn’t make it this year for whatever reasons and we pray we will see you next year.
The FOT and Gods holy days have greater meaning and a greater urgency about them. I feel as thou we need to accomplish a greater fellowship amongst God’s people and begin a campaign of mending old wounds. This feast was an example of Gods teachings and I believe, his will; we enjoyed the fellowship from such a diversity of folks from other regions and other churches. We had a living, breathing example of the true Kingdom of God, because while the world outside was churning its course to destruction; we on the inside enjoying Gods feast putting aside old barriers and forging a new path ahead.
The plans are in place to continue on with the feast in Galveston next year with greater ideas, greater fellowship, and even more meaningful messages. I look forward to the time we are going to the feast in the Kingdom and not just a rehearsal here on earth. Until that day comes, we will build this one to look as close to the feast that our hope looks to and continue our efforts here on this earth to do the will of God.